The 40,000 Gallon Jug

I will not whine in this post... I hope.

I will show you a little bit of what's been going on around the Casa de Witt.
Looky kids it's Christmas time again.

We had such a great Christmas. I got my Christmas morning wish. Kate loved her easel from Santa. The absolute best part was her face when she saw the empty plate of cookies and bottle of water.
"He was here. Santa was here and he ate the cookies!"

Everything this Christmas was large sized.

Large on fun, large on laughs and large on love.

We played games like Scrabble

and Hide The Uncle Matty.

And when Scott and Dad ended up with these letters, we looked the other way so they could switch. Right after we laughed, pointed, and photographed the moment.

We gave gifts that warmed hearts more than they broke wallets.

Isn't that what the holiday is really about?

We couldn't stop with Christmas. After breaking Scott out of Rush we rolled on to New Years with Kara's (aka Auntie Blue) famous prime rib.
Scott is being sent to rehab for his um... problem with the prime rib.

Kara even fancied up the table for us all to enjoy.

All the little details... making sure every moment could be savored.

I really wish I hadn't been feeling so poorly. I missed so many great photos.

I don't have S4 antagonizing my mom's cat. Or Kate sitting on Jen's lap at bingo. Nothing of Bonnie sipping her wine and talking about "butta." But, not having one of the whole group eating, or later when we played bingo for our gift card exchange... really makes me sad.

The holidays are mostly done. The tree is still up but that's a bi-product of my being sick and being far to cranky to take it down without breaking everything.

Everyone here is starting to feel better. Things are slowly returning to our version of normal. There are a few things that have been going on that have really piled on a healthy dose of extra stress. I have an appointment next Tuesday that will give me some much needed answers. I can't worry about things until then. I can embrace life, love more and spend more time with the people that I love so much. That is really all any of us can do.

Oh, and I have to share the single funniest moment in my life.
On new years day, during our holiday celebration, my mom showed Jen and I the Victoria Secret bath gel, body spray and lotion she got for Christmas from a friend.
Kate asked if she could smell it. Then asked if she could wear it. Both of her requests were granted.
I look at the bottle and realize the body spray is called "Seduction". We all laugh. That alone was funny enough.
Fast forward to this mornings bath time (4 days and 2 baths later). Kate starts crying, full on 3.5 year old meltdown and says "I can't take a bath." When I ask why she tells me
"It will wash my seduction off."

Yep, I died and promptly put her in a bath to wash the seduction off of her until she's 35.

Nicole  – (January 5, 2011 at 9:05 PM)  

Oh brandi, she's just too funny! Sorry you've been having a rough time of it. I hope you feel better soon. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

Colleen  – (January 6, 2011 at 8:32 AM)  

she is too cute. Hope you are feeling better soon and everything is ok with that appointment you mentioned.

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