Flashback to 1990

Hold On by Wilson Philips, Pump Up The Jam from Technotronic and Opposites Attract by Paula Abdul are in the top 20. There is lots of Aqua Net, rolled jeans, layered socks and neon colors. It's a super sexy time.
Well, not for me. I'm in the 7th grade. 7th and 8th grade were my worst years. I had classic middle child syndrome going on mixed in with some heavy duty typical early teen angst. Fun times... lots of fun times.

What is sparking my stroll down memory lane?
Well... this.

I sat down at my kitchen table today with my handy dandy Singer sewing machine and busted out a cover for my e-reader.

After a text to my own personal sewing machine hotline (Thanks Saskija) and a quick trip to JoAnn Fabrics for thread that didn't snap, I was in business. An hour later, she was finished. Complete with hidden velcro closure.

Disclaimer: While it appears pretty crooked in these photos it's not in reality. The light on the e-reader makes it lopsided.

I haven't done much sewing since the 7th grade. Back then I made the brightest pair of hot pink nylon shorts I had ever seen. They were AWESOME!
My Grams was always a big sewer. She was even once a high school home ec teacher. When I was a little girl, I was convienced that if I wanted it, Grams could just make it for me for Christmas. Truth was, she would.
I thought I could be like Grams. I could just put some fabric together, throw in a stitch or two and SHABAM! it would come out picture perfect. Mmmm... not so much.

I will say, I have as much skill now as I did then. Pretty nice that I haven't lost any of my mediocre skills in the last 21 years.

Scott had a visit from Josh tonight. Josh quietly snuck into my house with a deer skull hidden in a box. Kate declared it to be "beautiful". I declared it to be dead.

Where were you in 1990? What was important in your life?

Sere  – (January 21, 2011 at 3:52 PM)  

Ugh, I hated 7th and 8th grade with a passion that still hits me to this day sometimes. I just wanted to get the heck out of junior high and into high school and beyond. I locked myself up in my room and wrote and wrote and wrote, novels, tons of them on my word processor. Anybody remember those?

missy dappen  – (January 22, 2011 at 3:37 PM)  

9 years old and obsessed with reading and getting as many BookIt stars and personal pan pizzas at Pizza Hut as possible. Building a solid backbone as a huge dork. :)

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