The Naptime Crawl

I'm spending Kate's naptime trying to climb down off the walls. My beautiful little girl has pushed this mama to the brink.
I realize this is her job. It's really her only job. Explore, expand, pretend, try, fail and ask exactly 1.2million questions in the first 15 mintues of being awake.
All that said, I slept like shit last night and my usual 4 hours was a meare 2 hours and it was broken up. Turns out my patience is what recharges during hours 3 and 4. Who knew?

Kate and I had a great day yesterday though so I guess I kind of deserved an off one today.

As you saw yesterday Kate and I finally got to go out to play in the snow.

After I forced her with dictator style screaming to shovel the drive. I allowed her a few moments of playtime.

We trudged our way to the side of the house to wave to Scott. He was warm and dry resting in bed.

"Hi Dad! What you want to see me make a snow angel? Ok"

We made angels, tossed snow in the air, attempted to make some snowballs and talked about how hard it is to see airplanes in a gray cloudy sky.

No outside adventure would be complete for Kate without a trip down the drive on her bike.

I'm pretty sure I can tell what she'll be getting for her birthday. That bike.. my kid... they just don't fit anymore.

My few moments of peace have come to an end. I'm really hoping that the extra large nap that is coming to an end has reset Kate. I feel better and hopeful for a better evening.

Quiet time around the Witt house. What are you doing with your Saturday?

Anonymous –   – (January 30, 2011 at 7:22 AM)  

Hi guys. Tom and I met Rob, Becky and Savannah at Shaw's Crab in Schaumberg. When the waitress asked if she could bring our 4 lbs of crab legs out on one big platter, we all smiled and said yes. It was awesome. Food was great and we all enjoyed being together. Savannah sat perfectly behaved throughout dinner. She's growing into such a nice young lady.
I hope you all have a relaxing Sunday together. We think of you guys often. Miss you.

Colleen  – (January 30, 2011 at 8:53 AM)  

I love that first picture of Kate. She is so beautiful!

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