All is Well!

Scott's appointment went really well today. The leg is still ugly but it continues (for the most part) to be a happy ugly.
Dr. Jacobs was brilliant as usual. He's got such the perfect surgeon demenour- calm, collected and unflapable (unless he wants an OR immediatly then he turns into a crazed lunatic - it's kind of funny).
After a quick survey of the damage Dr. Jacobs decided to just remove the really bad spots in the office. So once again I played the roll of OR nurse and held Scott leg while Dr. Jacobs removed all this dead nacrtic black skin and little bits of tendon. It was AWESOME!

Things once again look pretty good. Let's hope they start smelling better too.

Dr. Jacobs did express some concern over Scott's weight gain or lack there of. Scott gave some bullshit excuse about "maybe all my nutrients are going to heal my leg and not turning into fat". Dr. Jacobs let him get by with that answer. Meanwhile, I explained that I happily supply Scott with pies, cakes, cookies, fast food, heavy homecooked meals and get nowhere. Shouldn't we all be blessed with this problem.

Kathy and BigDan helped "fatten" Scott up with a fabulous picnic outside Rush with food from the fantastic Hot Dougs The best brat ever in the history of the world. Seriously, ever.
It was great to see BigDan and Kathy and of course they sent us home with some delicious homemade smoked chicken and baked beans. Cannot wait for dinner tomorrow night.

Kate had a great time playing with Grammy, Papa, Uncle Justin, Auntie Blue and Uncle Matty. She didn't even miss us one bit. Well, maybe she did just a little bit.
At bedtime tonight we were talking after the story was read and she was just snuggling on my lap. She asked about my earrings and I showed her how they work and we talked about them.
"Mama, I get earrins when I a mommy?"
"Sure K, when you're big enough you can get earrings."
"You the mommy, I the daughter"
"That's right baby good job!"
"I be your mommy and you be my daughter and I have earrrins"
"Alright we can pretend but I'll always be your mommy in real life."
"Yeah, my mommy and my bestest friend."

Yup, big hug, extra kisses and maybe even a few tears as I tucked her in.

Scott and Scott L (who shall now be referred to as Scott 12) are watching the Hawks game together and gossiping like a bunch of girls. It's great to have some "noise" in the house at night. Scott needs these kinds of man-dates, he gets sick of talking to me.

Another good day at the Witt house, making each moment count.

Jen –   – (June 9, 2010 at 11:22 PM)  

Way too cute!! Save that conversation for when KT is a teenager and denies ever saying your her best friend!! Awesome news on MD appt!!

Anonymous –   – (June 10, 2010 at 7:52 AM)  

Great Day! I could just smother that daughter of yours in hugs and you haven't is totally beyond me!
Good game for the Scotts to watch! Way to go Hawks!!!
Can't wait til tom!

BigDan  – (June 10, 2010 at 5:59 PM)  

It was great seeing you guys, too! Now, if only I could convince Scott to take a fat transplant from me...

Amy –   – (June 11, 2010 at 1:49 PM)  

Glad to hear everything is as good as it can be with the doc. I am so inspired by the love and dedication you have with your family. I feel so proud to have gotten to become friends with you. Keep up the amazing work! Let me know if you need any other food for your fam! Baking and cooking is like therapy for me. And we all know I need lots of therapy! :)

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