Start Guessing

Thank you to those that commented in last nights post. I would love for others to keep sharing. I got quite a few emails that expressed what a few people said in comments, it's nice to hear you're not alone.

I had a very sad day. I had to give back the beautiful Nikon D300. Mr. L wanted to take pictures of Snowmeggedon. Can't say I blame him. I started taking photos this morning of the same spot out our back door. Expect to see the series tomorrow.

As I type, I'm waiting for my bedroom windows to break. They are making a noise like I've never heard. Don't worry, I've got it protected so if it should break nobody would be hurt.
The walls of our house are literally shaking. A strong steady vibration at all times with intermittent earthquake vibrations sprinkled in. It's fun.

Kate and I were out in the mess from 3:30pm until 6pm tonight.
This was taken from my cell phone around 4pm. Not bad compared to how it was at 6pm.

You're crazy! What were we doing out? It was really, really important.

I was the second to the last coffee served at my Starbucks today. They closed at 4pm.

That wasn't why we were really out.

My trusty snowblower, that I have done nothing to maintain in the 6 years it's been part of my life, decided it didn't want to play with the Snowmaggedon and died. I was getting some help trying to revive it.
It was unsuccessful. As soon as I can get to an open hardware store, I will be back in business. That will be about the time it stops snowing and I won't need the stupid thing anymore. Sigh...
Thank goodness for good friends. A few calls and we've got a plow coming to dig out the drive in the am. YEAH!

Now... a little quiz of sorts. This quiz is mainly for my non-photographer friends out there.
There are going to be 3 photos below.
One of them was taken with the borrowed bad ass, knock your socks off, Nikon D300 with it's equally bad ass Speed Light. Two of them were taken with the very nice, great photos, Nikon D40, my trusty steed. One of the D40 pictures is taken without flash and one with.
I'm curious to see if a lay person can see the difference between them. The one sans flash should be pretty easy.
So make a guess. Tell me which is which. Maybe, I'll even turn it into a contest. We haven't had one of those in a while.

Without further adieu... Scott and Kate playing playdoh last night.



There has been some ridicuous cuteness on the other blog. Go over and check it out. Just click on the chicks and elephant icon over there --->

To all my family, friends and lurkers that are part of this storm, stay safe.


Anonymous –   – (February 2, 2011 at 12:12 AM)  

I vote for the 1st picture because it had such nice clarity.We too are enjoying the blizzard of biblical proportions.Although from the inside of our house.Even an open starbucks cannot entice me to venture out.Enjoy Love Nancy

Nick  – (February 2, 2011 at 10:26 AM)  

If #2 isn't the "badass" product, it should be. Nice diffusion on the flash and great color! Yeah...I'm cheating; I'm a photo hobbyist, but if you saw my work, you would never believe even that.

LisaW  – (February 6, 2011 at 3:14 PM)  

What great pics of Kate and Scott!

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