In the know

We know people. We know good people that will answer their phones at 4pm on a Friday, drive an hour from the city on a Saturday, in between a birthday party and symphony tickets, to give us their wisdom, experience, guidance, love and banana bread. We couldn't be any luckier.

Scott's GP (general physician), Dr. K, called late Friday afternoon. It turns out that one of the tests she did for Scott last week came back with some alarming results. Dr. K and I discussed things, she armed me with information and said, "let me know what you want to do."
I did the only thing I knew to do on a Friday evening (seriously why does this crap happen late on a Friday every time.) I called BigDan and Kathy. This problem is their area of expertise. They came running.
What amazing, wonderful people. We can't thank them enough. The two loafs of Kathy's famous banana bread were just the icing on the cake.

As for Scott, we're feeling pretty confident he has a bone infection, osteomyelitis. For right now Scott will stay on his oral antibiotic (it seems to keep the symptoms at bay even if it probably isn't helping the infection) and we'll be taking him in for a bone scan so we can decide what to do next.

Osteomyelitis, has always been something on my watch list. It's fairly common in people like Scott, heck even Christopher Reeves had it. This is a difficult setback but I'm fairly confident that I'll get my wish to get through Christmas. That's all I ask, I just want my Christmas morning then, well... bring it on if you must, I'll kick your ass after the holiday.

Scott is feeling pretty well and we'll keep doing what we're doing. BigDan and Kathy assured me that I'm doing a terrific job at taking care of the wounds so I feel confident that we can manage at home for now.

BigDan and Kathy, thank you. Thank you for loving us, taking care of us and always answering your phone. We're so blessed to have you both in our lives.

Headed to Best Buy with my best girl to pick up the last few gifts. Then tonight, a trip to Mark and Jay'me's for some gingerbread decorating for the kids. It's 6 days away people, let's rally.

Colleen  – (December 19, 2010 at 2:43 PM)  

Have fun tonight! Sorry about the Scott news and I hope the symptoms remain at bay.

Kim  – (December 21, 2010 at 10:21 AM)  

I am praying for your family and hope that you have a Merry Christmas. I found you through SPN and love reading your blog :)

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