
Hand over the Mother of the Year Award please. I'd like to touch it while I make my acceptance speech.

I would like to first thank my beautiful daughter. Had I not given birth to her I would not be eligible for such an award.
Next in my line of Thank Yous would be my husband. I was so busy worrying about him that I somehow neglected her.
The internet, is always a helpful distraction. And tonight the air conditioning played a pivotal role in missing my daughters fever.
Without all of you I would have never been able to spend an entire afternoon with my daughter having a 102.7 fever and not noticed. Thank you for all helping make this shinning moment in my mommy career possible.

Sigh... a rough end to an even rougher day.
We, us parents, all have days like the one I've had. Here's to making tomorrow better.

Mommy of Two  – (July 27, 2010 at 9:45 PM)  

Kids spike fevers like this all the time. While she may have been acting differently, it obviously wasn't an emergency or she would have spoken up...she's done it before. You are a hell of a mama! Don't ever forget it or doubt it for a minute! Love you tons, baby!

Anonymous –   – (July 28, 2010 at 5:42 PM)  

Well,I'm back from Colorado after spending time with all 4 of my daughters.It was great,fabulous scenery,good times.You are not a good parent until you have chastized yourself a million times over for failing to recognize a fever, hurt feelings,an overdue school assignment,forgetting to pack a lunch,not giving in for any number of things etc,etc.Let the floggings begin.Hey Scott,always love hearing about your ass.Brandi,have you tried santyl ointment.Its an old remedy but(no pun intended)it works like a charm on bed sores.You will need a prescription.Try it.Love Nancy and Gary

BigDan  – (July 28, 2010 at 6:21 PM)  

Give Katie a kiss from kath and me...

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