A Trip to the Dentist

Way back when Scott was at Rush you may remember that he broke a tooth. We finally got around to taking him into the dentist today. It only took 4 rescheduled appointments to make it happen.

I've introduced you all to our dentist before. He's the one digging up dinosaur bones in this photo.

He was also the winner of the "Name Scott's Tendon" Contest. To which he finally got his winnings today.

Yes, that contest was months ago but beef jerky and a t-shirt don't ever go bad.

So anyways, back to Scott's trip.
Things went well.
Except, for the part where Scott got nasty vertigo and almost threw up all over everything. Oh and the part where they couldn't get Scott's mouth numb no matter how much "fun stuff" they gave him.
In the end Scott had to do a little white knuckling it to get through.

Kevin and Jen worked as fast as they could.

They stepped over Kate while she colored and they supplied her with Princess Ariel toothbrushes after a through search for Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) had been declared a failure.

They kept us laughing during our two hour visit and hopefully Scott came home with a fixed tooth.
Most importantly it wasn't me sitting in the dentist chair. I find I like Kevin and Jen much more when I'm not the one with the drill shoved in her mouth.

I'm going to go brush my teeth for a full 3 minutes right after I floss.

Kevin  – (July 20, 2010 at 11:31 PM)  

Yikes. I demand a reshoot! "Um, Kev, you look like a bigger idiot than usually. Let's snap another one, 'kay? I don't want to scare the bloggers." B-that's all you had to say. Thank you so much for the prize bundle, I will wear the Rush shirt proudly. Now let's all think happy happy thoughts that Scott's tooth doesn't make any noise.
Oh, and we will find a Princess Aurora toothbrush

BigDan  – (July 21, 2010 at 6:02 AM)  

Yep. Good dental hygiene. That's the ticket!!! Has Scott given up long johns yet?

Scott  – (July 21, 2010 at 12:42 PM)  

That depth of field looks decent. Imagine if you had a f1.8 50mm lens...

Kevin  – (July 21, 2010 at 10:22 PM)  

It's not the size of your lens its how you use it. Actually that's a lie. We all know size matters. It really, really does...

Lighting is equally important, too.

I'm talking camaras you filthy, naughty, sickos. Sheezsh.

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