That Post That Would Not End Part 2

Ready to go round 2 kids?

To bad we're doing it anyways. It's my blog and I'll do whatever I want to. So there!
*end temper tantrum*

So Friday evening my Aunt Karen (mom's younger sister) her husband Uncle Doug and Uncle Jeff (dad's brother from another mother) and his wife Aunt Beth drove out from Iowa to spend Saturday with us.
Had a great grill out and visit with everyone. We decided to take a group photo. I was more than happy to bust out my tripod and remote shutter and take a little photo action.

This was the best of the 20 or so that I took. Turns out I have really crappy lighting and space for this large of a shot. Who knew? Live and learn.

Lots of laughs to go around. Kate loved "Red Guy" and "Blue Guy". she's got a thing with using people names at the moment. Odd kid. Poor Aunt Beth read more kids books than ever before. At one point though Kate did let Beth, Karen and Grandma lay on the floor and "nap" with her.

Just as the visitors were just about to leave we got a call from Uncle LaVerne (mom's oldest brother) and Aunt Lynn and they were on their way to visit us. The way I figure it the two groups of family passed at the 3 hour half way mark.
Sunday brought a visit from the new "visitors". We went out to pick up Scott's new motorized wheelchair There will be an entire new post on this soon. and have some lunch. Another great visit with more fantastic family.

Today, Scott had a little visit with the podiatrist and Kate spent the morning at school.
Speaking of Kate, I must share a story with all of you. Those of you that are my "friends" on Facebook already know this story but it simply must be repeated.

While Karen, Doug, Jeff and Beth were visiting something came up at lunchtime and I found myself singing "bow, chicka, bow, wow" (read: bad 70's porn music). Didn't think much of it. This is something that I've done before.
Fast forward to Sunday night. I turn on Kate's monitor after putting her to bed and what do Scott and I hear? That's right "bow, chicka, bow, wow" said from my beautiful 3 year old little girl. My perfect angel is singing my interpretation of bad porn music. Scott and I crack up and talk about how funny she is.
Get up this morning and take Kate to school. She runs right in, as usual, this time saying "Hey guys, I have a new song. Want to hear?" and with that my beautiful little girl sings the porn song and does a little hip thrust dance.
The look on the teachers face was priceless. I did what any self respecting parent would do in this position, I ran out of the room as fast as I could, laughing all the way.

Tomorrow another afternoon at Rush. Time to clean up Scott's leg again.

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