A Weekend In Numbers

A long weekend spent away visiting my family in Iowa. Here's a recap...

569+ miles round trip
12+ hours spent in the car
5 vehicle occupants
2 states
3 days
229 photos
10 photos worth keeping
3,245 times I cursed my camera and complained about needing a new lens and camera
3 days without naps for the littlest Witt
0 episodes of vomiting
1 accidental potty incident - Don't judge me I had a lot of iced tea.
7 kid shows/movies watched
2 beautiful newlyweds
2 wonderful people celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary
3 new "friends" for Kate
1 baby to ga-ga over
10,745 times my ovaries ached longingly while playing with said baby
20,345 approximate calories consumed by me
4 slices of pizza
1 upset stomach
4 antacids consumed
344 rants about how small towns need Starbucks too
4 new sore spots on Scott's ass
212 new gray hairs on my head
3 new wrinkles on my face

59,456 smiles, laughs and giggles
1,429,367 fantastic memories

Wouldn't change a moment. How did you spend your weekend?

Colleen  – (July 26, 2010 at 7:29 AM)  

Clearly not as fun as yours - LOL!! Ours was not so exciting. Just spent some time at the pool and outside yesterday. So sad it's monday already.

Anonymous –   – (July 26, 2010 at 8:47 PM)  

What fun! I want to play.

50 people celebrating 1 new marriage and 1 not-so-new marriage
15 lbs of hamburger; 3-4 packages of hot dogs (with corresponding buns)
4 lbs of cheesy potatoes
1 boatload of sidedishes (thank you everyone)
2 celebratory cakes (thanks Debbie)
2 freezers of homemade ice cream (thanks Ron & Verlin)
6,450,222 --- 223 flies swatted since everyone left
2 sons at home with mom at the same for the 1st time in 3 years -- PRICELESS!

Alternate ending:
1 quiet empty nest -- PRICELESS (This is the cats favorite ending).

As an added bonus to our weekend, we were able to help Grandma Sally celebrate her 102nd b-day Sunday evening! What an amazing woman!

Anonymous –   – (July 26, 2010 at 8:48 PM)  

sorry; forgot to sign above post -- like you don't know who it is!


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