Happy Birthday Paula

An open letter to my mother in law.

Mom, I know you would want me to call you that.
I'm sorry we've never met in person. I say in person because even though you've been gone quite some time now I still feel your presence. We all still feel your presence.
We talk about you a lot. Especially around the holidays. I know that when I do all my baking, like I was tonight, you're there with me in the kitchen. It's the only way I can explain how things always turn out as well as they do.
My gosh how you loved holidays. Especially the 4th of July. Scott still tells the story of how you grew up thinking all the fireworks and celebration were because it was your birthday.
I want to thank you for raising such a wonderful son. I know I have you to thank for having a husband that shows so much love, respect, and kindness to everyone he meets. You did an exemplary job of teaching him right from wrong and how to fight and never give up.
You were a strong woman, a kind woman, a woman of faith and love.

We miss you.

Your Grateful Daughter-in-Law

I know that Scott isn't the only one missing his mom tonight. There are other people out there that are missing their moms too. Or maybe it's their father, brother, sister, husband or wife. Holidays, even the fun-in-the-sun summer kind always remind us of those that are missing.
I wanted to take a moment and honor all of those people that are no longer with us.
So, if you would indulge me, take a moment right now, just a little pause and think about those that are not with you tonight.
Go ahead, I'll wait.

I thought of Papa Jake and how Kate has his blue eyes. Grandpa Miles that was just visiting us on Friday when Kate saw him in my car (true story). Grandma Hazel, it's her hands that I see as I type. Grandma Dona, Grandpa Ray, Uncle Doug - a piece of all of you lives on every day in all the people around me.
I thought of Paula and Tamara- two wonderful women that I never met but that influence my life every day. Ron, my father in law that showed Scott what a gentleman looks like.

Your physical presence is missed but your soul is here with all of us. It's the sunshine that perfectly hits the blond curls in Kate's hair. The wind that gently blows through the bedroom window lulling me to sleep.

We have so much to celebrate on this holiday weekend. I hope all of you are joining with all of us in the WWW to embrace this time and share all of the joys in your life with those you love the most.

And now because I feel like I've been a Debbie Downer I leave you with a few pictures from this evening.

And lastly, does anyone what to venture a guess as to what my Dad and I were doing right before this photo was taken?
Please forgive the tired, haggard, sweaty mess on the right. It's been a long day.

Amy –   – (July 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM)  

a beautiful post....thank you for sharing. I'm sure they are looking down from heaven feeling blessed to have you in the family. Take care.

Anonymous –   – (July 5, 2010 at 5:59 PM)  


I think you are either hunting mice or ready to attack bats.

Hope for all and prayers

Auntie Ree and uncle Ron

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