Settled In

Scott's getting comfy in his new room (851N). Many more familiar faces. Good to see and know that they understand how Scott can be. Not that anything is going to happen but it's good for my stress level (and I'm sure Scott's too) that staff remembers him. Less chance of anything getting missed.
Ok wait, I need to add a disclaimer to that - this place is great. If Scott was a traditional patient nothing would get missed but because Scott is anything but traditional medical professionals have a tendency to miss stuff.
Like the asshat doctor that sent Scott home with a diagnosis of heartburn when Scott really had a ruptured splenic artery aneurysm.
We don't worry about those types fo mistakes here. It's nice.

Scott's chest pain is still raging. They switched up pain meds on our way out of the ER but thus far it hasn't been helpful. Glad he's here so they can get that under control.

Unless there is something of interest to share tonight I won't be blogging again until tomorrow. Going to get Scott settled and head home to the most perfect little girl on the planet. She'll probably be tucked safely in bed under the careful watch of her grandparents.
She won't mind a gently kiss on her sleepy little head from her momma. And hey if she wakes up Grandma and Grandpa can just stay up with her all night. *insert evil laugh here*

The love, the love... so much love.

Jen –   – (April 13, 2010 at 8:40 PM)  

Prayers and warm fuzzy thoughts!

I'm on overload this week praying for people--friends little baby had open heart surgery yesterday and things are up and down--you know that drill!

I have such amazing friends to admire how brave they are :o)

I love you guys and Scott get feeling better! S4 got the s.o.s. messages so he knows this is an escape route :o)

Love ya bunches!!

Anonymous –   – (April 14, 2010 at 1:23 AM)  

Better safe than sorry,Scotts in good hands and again we are all lovin ya and praying.Nancy and family

Anonymous –   – (April 14, 2010 at 9:17 AM)  

Hoping all is going well today and that you're chest pain is easing off.
Come home soon,

Craig –   – (April 14, 2010 at 9:36 AM)  

Hang in there buddy! Get home soon!

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