For those of you that don't text, instant message, Facebook or have access to a teenager FML means Fuck My Life.

This is going to be brief, I'll give a full play by play when I'm feeling up to it. Wanted to come here to share all the info as I know family flocks here in times of WWW troubles.
Scott is still the same. He spent the day in bed. Kate went and played with Grandma and I took the train out of Barrington to play at the office and take some city pictures.
We all had a great day until after I picked up Kate. While headed home Kate and I were in a pretty serious car accident. I hit the car in from of us and the car behind me read ended us.
My car is totaled. Kate and I were both strapped down and taken to the emergency room via ambulance. Kate was an absolute angel. She was cleared pretty quickly and discharged with abrasions to her neck and chest from her car seat. It took a little longer to get me released. X-rays and lots of time on the back board before I was finally discharged with whiplash and abrasions. The air bag deployed into my arm and let me tell you, those things freaking hurt.

We're fine. Very, very sore but fine.
We brought home Kate's cervical collar so I could use it to talk to her about what happened. She promptly went into Scott's room gave it to him and said that it would help fix his "owie leg".
I'm so glad my sweet baby girl is snuggled into her own bed and I'm just right down the hall.
My mom will be with us for the night and probably most of tomorrow.

More when I feel up to it.
For tonight, I'm just going to be glad that were all home. As my Grams said tonight, maybe this is the only bit of bad luck we'll have this week and Scott's scan tomorrow will go great. Crossing my fingers and toes.

Colleen  – (October 5, 2010 at 10:48 PM)  

Ugh, I am so sorry but I am glad to hear you are both ok. you'll be sore tomorrow. Hate that this crappy stuff happens to you!

Anonymous –   – (October 5, 2010 at 11:24 PM)  

Wow...I'm glad you two are okay! I hope the rest of the week is much much better :) <3

Anonymous –   – (October 6, 2010 at 11:02 AM)  

Wow!! I'm glad that both you & Kate are ok. I could send you some yummy cupcakes as a get better soon gift!!!


Brandi  – (October 6, 2010 at 12:46 PM)  

@ Colleen - sore is an understatement today ;). Finding bruises I didn't know about all over. But K is running like a maniac. Wish I was as resilient as her.
@ Annon - thanks for the love. I need it right now.
@ Tiffanie- cupcakes cure all. Went to see the car today and my mom found the cupcakes she and K made yesterday destroyed. They looked so sad.

Waiting for Scott's MRI/MRA now. Thank goodness my parents have been with us all day.

Nick  – (October 6, 2010 at 3:19 PM)  

Brandi - you folks continue in my thoughts and prayers, as always. Hate it that you had to go through the auto crap.

Tell your dad I think he's a nostril exhibitionist.

Revy Nick

Up North Amherdts!  – (October 6, 2010 at 8:37 PM)  

I was checking in to see how the MRI went and saw this, felt so bad.
Hope your Gram is right. Glad you are ok, stressed I'm sure.

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