
I'm in a bit of a funk. I'm not entirely sure why. I guess it's just the way life ebbs and flows.

There certainly is plenty to be happy about.
My Jeep is back.

It's red, shiny and almost perfect. I missed driving it. I'm such a Jeep girl. It's loud, it rugged, it's rough, and it's got great curves.

Scott survived getting dropped on his head. He had a little accident in his wheelchair and went backwards, landing flat on his back, cracking his head on the floor. Sounded horrible, looked horrible but alas, wasn't horrible.
It must be all the donuts he's been eating. No joke kids, on Saturday night Scott sent me a text message that he had eaten 5, yes FIVE, donuts in one day. A whopping 1500 calories. He had at least 3 on Sunday and today he was on 2.5 when I left him before bed.
Buy Entenmanns stock people, it's profits are on the rise.

I got a new phone. My old one was on it's last legs. It would refuse to tell me that I had missed a call or that I had voicemails. It even stopped sending emails and texts properly. New phone is shiny, happy and after much work, all set up.

I've gotten a few other overwhelming surprises in the last couple days. I'll be sharing all about those soon. I just feel like I can't quite put to words what I'm feeling about all of it. It's important to me, so I must give it proper space.

A huge new blog redesign over on the other blog. I would love to know your thoughts. I'm still learning, and there are a few things to tweak but it's headed in the right direction.

I continue to plot the holiday cookie exchange party details. Anyone out there care to help Jay'me and I out with the planning. I'm thinking we should turn this into some type of charity event. Maybe raise some funds for EDNF or the National MS Society. I've got lots of great ideas but I'm short on time.
Send me an email or write to me in the comments section.

Scott's got a full schedule this week. Haircut, hearing test, flu shot and boys night. I'll be playing chauffeur and Kate will be entertaining people along the way.
It's the Witt way.

Sere  – (November 9, 2010 at 9:15 PM)  

Hoping that you are feeling better tomorrow. Glad your jeep is back and running. I think a cookie swap sounds like a great idea. If there is anyway that I can help you guys out from way out yonder let me know. Give KT and Scott hugs for me.
Love ya,

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