Were getting ready

My soux chef and I spent the morning getting the pies ready for tomorrows big feast.

My girl just loves helping me.

She climbs up on the counter with her custom made apron from Grams and dives right in.

Measuring the flour.

Being really careful to not get any one the floor or counter. (as if)

Showing me how perfectly she uses both her left and right hands.

Cutting in the shortening.

Making as large of a mess as humanly possible.

Taking breaks to be as ridiculously cute as possible.

Patting the dough down to go in the fridge to set.

Working hard to roll out the dough herself.

Not letting her teeny tiny rolling pin slow her down.

There are no issues with child labor laws if the child is yours right?

So very thankful for my sweet little girl. Looking forward to enjoying the day and doing some more cooking with this beautiful face.

What are you all doing for the holiday?

Colleen  – (November 24, 2010 at 11:03 PM)  

Just like my girl. She was on the counter helping me tonight. So cute. Have a great day tomorrow.

Up North Amherdts!  – (November 25, 2010 at 8:37 AM)  

What wonderful pictures to look at. Such sweet happiness. Happy Thanksgiving

missy dappen  – (November 26, 2010 at 7:14 PM)  

Miss Kate, so cute! Though my niece, Kate (Kaitlyn), could give her a run for her money (though I may be biased!). Yesterday was spent with lots of time with the family- my parents live near Starved Rock, aka the middle of a cornfield, IL. Lots of time with my nieces and nephew, which was ridiculous fun!

Hope you guys had a great day filled with love and calories. Hope Miss Kate is having a better evening tonight!

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