Stupid Freaking Phone

**Post contains graphic information be warned**

Pulling into the parking garage the phone rings, its the charge nurse telling me I need to run. I seriously hate the phone right now.
Sprinted (in high heeled boots because I'm an idiot) up 2 flights of stairs, through the lobby down the hallway of hell and into Scott's room.
I pull open the door and am paralyzed by fear. The room is packed, Dr.'s, nurses and a crash cart. Scott is practically upside down on the bed and there is blood everywhere. Push past the people, squish through the blood and go straight to Scott.
Dr. Ben and Dr. N (the other vascular fellow) are standing next to Scott. Once again Scott is the color of the sheets. I tell him I'm here, he whispers something to me. Again I'm standing at the head of his bed, talking about stupid things. Giving Scott reasons to fight. I tell him about the comments here (I need more please), I tell him about K going back to school today after being gone for almost 2weeks, I tell him about sushi night and the weather.
They are giving him blood products, trying to balance him back out. Scott is responding. He's getting ready to go back to IR to get a line placed (they have minimal access at the moment).

This all started because Scott coughed. A silly stupid cough. He can't even cough hard with his trach, it's more of a throat clearing. I'm buying stock in Halls and sandbags. Apparently we can't do without either.

Dr. Ben has given Scott orders to not have any other bleeding issues for 24 hours. I'm hoping Scott can follow Dr.'s orders. If we make it to 23 hours I'm going to make Dr. Ben add on another 24 hours. Scott won't listen to me so maybe he'll listen to someone with authority.

The countdown has begun....22.5 hours to go....

ADAR –   – (January 11, 2010 at 9:59 AM)  

Scotty, we're here reading all about what's going on with you. So while I don't want you to laugh too hard (or ever cough again), I found this joke...
Confucius says:man who stand in front of car get tired. man who stand behind car get exhausted.
Ok, that is so lame it made me smile, though...reminds me of your Rebates joke...gotta love it.
I'll search for some other ones that will make you smile, but not cough.
Stay strong, keep focused, and start thinking about the various toasts you want to make at our next party! (You can make as many as you want)
We love you,
Alli, Dan, Lil a, and baby r

Anonymous –   – (January 11, 2010 at 11:04 AM)  

For pete's sake, that boy doesn't follow directions does he? Let me guess only read the directions when all else fails? MEN!!!

Brandi, ask the nurse for some of those pretty slippers they so willing hand out. This I want pics of. I am sure it would be a fashion statement, but may very well save an ankle girl.

Sending you all good thoughts and lots of love. And hopes for no more coughing spells. Stay strong!
Love yas, Sara

jen –   – (January 11, 2010 at 11:04 AM)  


We love you!!! And Brandi(I suppose) and of course KT!!!

I have been searching for some cheesy jokes for you or cards and beware they are coming!

Brandi--you know I love you tons :0)

You both are so special to me!! You are both my heroes as you both have special gifts I can only imagine having and strive to be like you :0)

Love ya Jen

Gladys and All of Us Upnorth  – (January 11, 2010 at 11:43 AM)  

Dear Brandi,
Please tell Scott that we constantly are monitering your blog. Most of the time I can hardly read it through my tears. We need him to stay with us. Josh feels so bad he cannot visit. He has been so sick and just knows he cannot bring that to any of you most of all Scott.
We are all here praying and thinking of Scott constantly. We all love him so much.
Thank you Brandi for your blog it keeps us with you all.
Love, Gladys, Jim, Becky, Jay, Jack

Anonymous –   – (January 11, 2010 at 11:54 AM)  

I knew when I posted on FB that things were looking up I was being an ASS. So, Sorry, Scott, its's all my fault!
You will get better, Brandi says so! An she's always right, Right?
We are checking the blog constantly for updates (Thanks BMW!) and trying not to cry for the drama you'r putting us thru.
Happy thoughts: Raina is pulling herself up to STAND in her cribs and crawling like a demon (especially if you put something she's not supposed to have in front fo her)
And Talise cheers her on! "Go Raina, you can do it!!" She obviously doesn't know what she (and HER toys) are in for!
Wait till you see them!
Get Better Please!
Luv, huggs and Baby Sniffs!
Saskija (Scott & The Munchkins)

Anonymous –   – (January 11, 2010 at 4:52 PM)  

Hang in there Scott! I'll be down to visit as soon as I can shake this cold, hopefully in a couple of days. We love you bud, sending strength and courage. We'll see you soon.


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