We've got a Weiner - I mean WINNER

Jen said...
Its the sun---meaning the sun was out!!! And yes your driving!!!

That's right it's the sun! I didn't know what it was at first when I drove in on Wednesday. And for those of you not in the area (or as a refresher to those that were in the area that day) it was snowing by 2pm.
Ahh Chicago....I love ya.

Jen is now the proud owner of an iTunes gift card!!!!!
You can load up your iPod for your 30mile runs. Wait, maybe you shouldn't win I don't like over achievers. Seriously, how do you run that much?
Alright, I'll let you win but only because I still think you're cool because you got on the kindergarten school bus the year before me. Me and my childhood psych issues again.

Lots of fun stuff happening today. More details to follow.

Disclaimer: This contest is not sponsored by iTunes. iTunes doesn't know I exist. iTunes would not know me in a dark alley or in the light of day. This prize is a direct result of a cleaning project in the home office that uncovered the extra gift cards I purchased for emergency Christmas presents. Thank you, thank you very much.

Jen –   – (January 29, 2010 at 12:04 PM)  

I am dancing and enjoying the victory as S4 thought he was right and was rubbing it in my face all morning!

He is getting NO cupcakes!!

Did Scott handle PT all right?

We are excited to see you guys and I am stopping at the Flying Cupcake on my way so orders better be placed!!

By the way once you eat the cupcakes you too will need to run a ton!!!!

Love you


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