48 Hours

The last 48 hours have been a world wind.
Friday was the last day of PT and OT. Lots of people stopped by to say goodbye.
PT Kate and Scott

Mary Kay - sweet Mary Kay

Lorraine - she was feelin' the love

Missy - she was feeling sad

Very sad. See Becca in the background, I missed her hug.

Quite a few came to get a look at the circus freak with the exposed tendon.
Just kidding. We invited the students to come and see the tendon. You'll notice I'm teaching the class (scary isn't it) and this photo was hard to edit so you all didn't lose your lunch, (breakfast, midnight snack - whatever).

A few people brought presents.
Rachel with the temporary bad ass wheelchair

A few people even tried to make it so that Scott couldn't leave. Kate's plan might have worked if she wasn't so tiny. Seriously, look at how far off her feet are.

The southside finally gave in and graciously served the northside.

There was a party in OT in the 3 minutes I ran to my car.

I always miss out on the fun.

Fast Forward to Saturday Morning

Quite a few gathered to send Scott off.

Kathy came in on her day off (BigDan did too but he was with Lucky Dog outside), Heather, Janet, Veronica and Lester. Oh gosh how I miss all of them. It's really hard without them.

Departing Kathy and BigDan was painful. They feed us so well and take such excellent care of Scott, and really me too.
Even Lucky didn't want us to go.

Speaking of food

A dinner surrounded by family. Is there anything better?

Seriously, how good does he look? That transfusion really helped. Well, that and not being in the hospital.

For my OT girls - Scott is getting no break from "working out".

Turns out dressing dolls is challenging.

For Kathy - a peek at my supply closet. Jealous? Couldn't have done it with out you.

And finally for me....

As I've been working on this post for the last hour I've heard both Scott and Kate snore softly over their monitors. Two very peaceful, very content, very happy, very special loves.

There are not enough words in the world to say all the things I want to say. I'm filled with strength, courage, hope, love, faith and serenity.

I was struggling in my mind to find the right words to convey my gratitude.
And then it found me in the McDonalds drive thru as I picked up Scott's first meal as a free man.

Anonymous –   – (March 7, 2010 at 6:59 AM)  

I'm completely warm and fuzzy... Big foot has nothing on me right now... Like, I have to shave.
Awesome, just awesome.

Anonymous –   – (March 7, 2010 at 9:22 AM)  

Yay yay yay yay yay!! :) -Ellie

alli –   – (March 7, 2010 at 10:45 AM)  

Your words relayed a sense of calm in me. Can't wait to see you guys!

Anonymous –   – (March 7, 2010 at 11:07 AM)  

So glad you are all home safe and sound. The pictures are awesome, for those of us so many miles away unable to give you a hug or hi-five, it gives me a great sense of reassurance to know others are picking up where I was unable. Take care of yourself Brandi, don't forget about that while you are so busy taking care of everyone else. I feel this great sense of victory, not that I had much to do with this victory but some how i feel like all these posts and the prayers I asked for done something. Lots of love Sara

Anonymous –   – (March 7, 2010 at 6:49 PM)  

OK-I'm crying now. So glad you're home Scott. Also, you've got the best-looking home-health nurse ever! Love you guys, Alison

missy dappen  – (March 7, 2010 at 7:13 PM)  

So many emotions reading this post. Sad that I won't get to see your smiling faces tomorrow... joy that the homecoming was a success... gratitude that my butt crack isn't showing in the pic of me hugging Scott... hunger (dinner got started late tonight)...

I guess, in the end, I'll let joy win out. Congrats, Scott, on getting the heck out of Rush and being where you are meant to be- HOME! Brandi- keep posting I can continue stalking :) Hope every day brings healing and improvements!

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